"We have worked with AMS for more than 6 years and their customer service and product knowledge is superior. The reporting options they provide have assisted us in determining area of concentration for time of service collections."
- Senior Financial Manger, Texas Regional Hospital

Healthcare Regulations

Healthcare Regulations

Because Compliance Is Not An Option!
In today’s evolving healthcare arena, and the emphasis on quality of care, AMS understands the increased risks of fines, loss of revenue, and ultimately damaged reputations our clients face from the non-compliance with healthcare regulations and requirements. From HIPAA and HITECH, to Medicare Cost Reporting, as an extension of your business office, you place your trust in us, and therefore compliance is paramount to our success.




Tax Exemption… Maintained.
For our 501(c)(3) clients, compliance to the Affordable Care Act’s proposed 501(R) regulations is essential. At AMS, we proactively work with each client’s individual needs, ensuring all plain-language FAP requirements are met, incorporated into patient correspondence, and distributed appropriately in the notification period for peace of mind that their tax exempt status will be maintained.


Professional Staff

Professional Staff

At AMS, it’s personal!
The continuum of care does not stop after discharge, and to each and every member of AMS’ highly trained staff, patient friendly billing is paramount. From our 100% U.S. based collection staff, to our leadership team with provider based experience, our commitment to continuous improvement and industry training ensures you never get a call from a patient we cannot help.


Account Management Services LLC